I charge €15 / hr. for my work, so the prices you see belowhave been calculated based on the amount of time i spend on average.

  • Types

    • Headshot/Icon
      (2,5 - 4 hrs.)
    • Half-Body
      (4 - 9 hrs.)
    • Full-Body
      (7 - 15 hrs.)
    • Full-Chibi
      (3 - 6 hrs,)
    • Portrait paintings
      (6 - 20 hrs.)
  • Hourly Prices

    My general hourly price is around €15 an hour, however, for certain commissions that require a more difficult technique, this price will be slightly higher.

  • Average Hours

    Commission time range is typically: 2.5-3 hours (headshot) to 7 hours (full-body). Can however exceed 40+ hours with complex backgrounds + details.

  • Total Price

    Total price varies by project. Commissions below €50 are generally not accepted, except in specific cases. Examples are included below, but feel free to contact me for a quote.

Except for the types above, I also offer concept illustrations and character designing, however these require a lot more hours, as copious amounts of research goes into projects like these as well.

How do I figure out the price?

Since prices typically varies from project to project, it can definitely be difficult to get a picture clear idea on what the price for your commission may be. However, I have a base-amount of hours I spend on the different commission examples and some conditions that applies.

If you've looked at all the information provided but still feel confused, that is completely valid and understandable, and you are ALWAYS more than welcome to contact me to discuss your project idea. Contacting me for a quote is NON-BINDING, and I do not in any way expect you to commission!

I'll set up an example for a quote below:

In this scenario, you are applying a request for a PORTRAIT PAINTING.
Hourly prices for standard PAINTINGS is usually at €15

The time I spend on PORTRAIT PAINTINGS varies between 6- and 10 hrs.
If nothing more than a simple background (which is free of charge) is required for the commission, we can calculate that the full commission price would probably be:

€15/hr. * 6 (to 10) hrs. = €90 (to €150) - full price.


  • The base price describes the price for alineart commission with simple coloring (cell shading).(prices for full rendering can be discussed.)

  • If you want any type of background, except for very simple stuff, that USUALLY adds extra to the final price, depending on the amount of work.

  • I reserve the full right to use any commissions as commission examples, as well as posting them on my social media and streaming the work on Twitch. If you do not want me to do any of those three, please let me know when submitting your Order Form!

  • If your commission is URGENT, you will be able to skip queue + reduce wait time, by paying an additional 30% of your final commission price on top. This will make your delivery time 50% faster than the usual delivery date for the type of commission you ordered, and can be negotiated for shorter.

In order to make sure you're familiar with the rest of the terms that comes with commissioning me, please take a look at my general terms of service for commissions! Link below.

Feel free to send in your request form, once you have a better understanding of my T.O.S, as well as where within the price range your commission may lie.